What We Do

What We Do

Promark specializes in collecting and analyzing market research survey data. By using high quality surveying methods and state-of-the-art interviewing software, Promark helps clients gather the information they need. Quantitative and qualitative data is acquired via telephone and online survey questionnaires and then transformed into usable, personalized knowledge.

Telephone Surveying (CATI)

We are experts in conducting survey research by telephone.

When done correctly, telephone interviewing offers the most reliable consumer data you can find.  With our CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing) technology platform, our well-trained interviewers will collect the data, quickly and accurately.

Promark manages each survey research project with professionalism and integrity.

Survey results can be output in many different formats:

  • Fixed length ASCII, CSV, Excel, SPSS SAV & many other popular formats
  • Open-end responses can be coded into discrete categories for statistical
    tabulation or delivered as verbatim responses

Only the most skilled phone interviewers are hired to work at Promark.  All interviewers must complete an intensive, in-person training program.


Online Surveying

Online surveys require special care.  Promark handles them with ease.

Promark executes online surveys with our secure web interviewing technology.  Promark offers customized surveys that are advanced, yet still user-friendly, and we have all the basic question types covered.  The strength of our web survey design software is its advanced survey abilities.

Our online survey software can easily handle sophisticated logic, multiple rotations, permutations, advanced skip patterns and multi-media files.  It has multi-language capability, automatic device detection, and much more.  All of that, and it is still easy to use.

To view a sample of an online survey, try our demo.

Survey Programming

We are willing and able to design any type of survey questionnaire, ranging from basic or routine to complex multi-segmented survey instruments.

Promark’s team of research and programming experts use the finest, most versatile technology available.

It’s how we design the simplest and the most complex survey questionnaires with ease.

The Benefits of Promark’s technology:

  • Developed from over 30 years of field experience in computerized survey data collection and analysis
  • Superior design and application creates quota proportionate sampling results.
  • Complex enough to manage hundreds of thousands of sample records per project for accurate results yet simple enough to provide quick turnaround and cost efficiency.
  • So precise, we catch the smallest of errors.
  • Allows us to offer suggestions on changes that will result in collecting more accurate data.
Survey - Touch Screen